Proof that the future is after Defi


Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has lately grown in popularity in the cryptocurrency community, and with good reason. Its programs provide users from all backgrounds with previously unheard-of chances while also doing so in an approachable and completely transparent manner. Read on to learn more about DeFi, its pros and cons, and its future for the next period.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) in a nutshell

Before getting into the specifics of Proof of Reputation, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has to be briefly discussed. DeFi is essentially an umbrella name for any protocols that employ open blockchain technology, are not governed by a centralized authority, and give consumers equitable access to financial services and other advantages via cryptocurrency. Several DeFi ideas are available, including staking alternatives, liquidity-providing protocols, Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs), and many others. The best way to start investing is via CEX.IO crypto exchange.

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Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, and Proof of Reputation

The focus will turn to the specifics now that everyone is familiar with the fundamentals. DeFi and other cryptocurrency initiatives typically all employ a so-called consensus mechanism to safely deliver their services and benefits to customers. Such algorithms are required to keep the network’s nodes (computers) in sync with each other about all transactions and to reduce or, in certain situations, eliminate the possibility of malicious conduct.

The three most often used consensus mechanisms are Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, and the most popular one right now, Proof of Reputation, which is a radical modification of Proof of Authority.

DeFi’s Pros And Cons

DeFi technology is still in its infancy despite its quick ascent to stardom. It hasn’t undergone years of extensive stress testing to identify problems. That implies that money may disappear or be in danger. Additionally, there is a lack of consumer protection because DeFi has thrived in the absence of laws and regulations.

The use of blockchain ledgers for illicit activity has also generated concerns. Without a central authority to check it, a DeFi protocol may appear as a platform for shady financing. For instance, in August 2021, skilled hackers stole $610 million from the DeFi platform Poly Network by taking advantage of a smart contract vulnerability. Thankfully, this time all money was reimbursed, although that might not always be the case.

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DeFi has a lot going for it, despite being the new kid on the block and the ensuing security and legal compliance challenges. It is inclusive and without restrictions, as was previously mentioned. Real-time and transparent transactions are made. Smart contracts may be substantially customized. Although using DeFi’s blockchain ledger technologies has several advantages, traditional finance issuers and lenders reject the notion.

Some are promoting DeFi as the ultimate financial future solution, one that assures regulatory malfeasance may be eliminated, in response to the rising distrust of banks. In 2020, a Gartner researcher projected that DeFi will soon become widely used. Although DeFi and legacy financial institutions may appear to be competing forces, I think their combined influence may be transformational.

The Best Of Both Worlds

Financial industry disruption won’t be going away any time soon. That result is caused by the rapid speed of technological advancement. Agility, openness, and strategic thinking are required to manoeuvre this frenetic pace. Consider blockchain as an example. Banks were first hesitant to adopt. Several big banks are now making investments in blockchain and cryptocurrency-related businesses.

The situation is the same with DeFi. Decentralized finance is here to stay, and conventional financial institutions may jump on board by integrating this technology into their current frameworks as they start to recognize this. The opportunity for cooperation in this area is well illustrated by ING Bank. The Dutch bank has examined the benefits and drawbacks of DeFi and published a paper titled “Lessons Learned from Decentralized Finance.” After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, ING Bank comes to the conclusion that centralized and decentralized financial services may work together to attain the “best of both worlds.”

What form would this collaboration take? Centralized financial institutions should, among other things, welcome innovation and abandon their risk-averse philosophies. They must actively participate in creating rules so that DeFi’s primary benefits are upheld.

Legacy financial institutions may start providing DeFi services to the unbanked and underbanked at the same time. By giving customers more access to the blockchain ecosystem through their current banking services, banks may be able to reduce the financing gap for Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs).

We could experience advantages like quicker international transactions, chances to make money work harder, and easier access to financing if the blockchain concepts on which DeFi is built are integrated into the international financial infrastructure.


The contemporary environment has moulded a new type of consumer, and established financial institutions must adapt. Financial institutions need to put the consumer first and start establishing the framework for customized, adaptable, and straightforward solutions right away. They may draw motivation from financial behemoths like Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, which have already started to lay the groundwork for this cutting-edge, synergistic ecosystem of finance.

Opportunities for DeFi innovation are many, providing access to fresh and improved methods of client service. DeFi could really be the thing that preserves centralized banking in the future rather than dismantling it.

Alex Rode

Alex Rode

I am founder of Just Create App. I have extensive experience in writing about apps, softwares, IT companies. Done Master of Science in Computer Science from Yale University, I am a passionate tech enthusiast and dedicated writer. I delve into a diverse range of topics, from AI and software to app development, and keep a keen eye on tech firms and emerging trends. My expertise enables me to break down complex topics and present them in an engaging, accessible manner, making me a trusted source for insightful analysis in the realm of technology.

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