Top 13 Offshore AI Development Companies | Best Offshore AI Developers

Offshore AI Development Companies

In this era of digital transformation, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer an option but a necessity for businesses worldwide. This article showcases the top 15 offshore AI development companies that have excelled in providing state-of-the-art AI solutions, helping businesses stay competitive in their respective industries.

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What is an Offshore AI Development Company?

An Offshore AI Development Company is a specialized technology firm located in a country different from that of the client, offering expert services in Artificial Intelligence (AI). These companies typically comprise a team of skilled AI professionals, data scientists, and engineers who develop advanced AI solutions tailored to meet specific business requirements.

These companies possess deep expertise in various AI domains, including machine learning, natural language processing, deep learning, and predictive analytics.

Partnering with an offshore AI development company allows businesses to harness the power of AI without the need for in-house expertise, thus enabling them to focus more on their core operations. Whether it’s creating intelligent automation tools, developing AI-powered applications, or implementing machine learning algorithms, offshore AI development companies provide a wide range of services to drive digital transformation and enhance business competitiveness in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Why We Need Offshore AI Development Company?

In the contemporary business landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has established itself as a critical driver of innovation, efficiency, and competitive edge. As per a report by Grand View Research, the global artificial intelligence market size was valued at USD 136.55 billion in 2022 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.3% from 2023 to 2030. This staggering growth underscores the increasing demand and reliance on AI technologies across various industries.

However, developing in-house AI capabilities can be a significant challenge for many businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It requires substantial financial resources and a pool of skilled AI professionals – resources that may be scarce or difficult to acquire. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of AI technology requires continuous learning and upskilling, which can further strain an organization’s resources.

This is where offshore AI development comes into play. Offshore AI development companies, with their expertise and focus on AI technologies, can fill this gap efficiently. They offer access to a pool of AI experts who can deliver high-quality, customized solutions without the need for businesses to invest heavily in developing their in-house capabilities.

Cost-effectiveness is another critical advantage of offshore AI development.

As businesses strive to stay competitive in the age of digital transformation, the demand for offshore AI development is set to rise even further. It represents a flexible, cost-effective, and efficient solution for businesses to leverage AI technologies and drive their growth in an increasingly AI-driven world.

Top 14 Best Offshore AI Development Companies

  1. Waverley Software
  2. BairesDev
  3. Digital Scientists
  4. LaunchPad Lab
  5. Perpetual
  6. Emergent Software
  7. Expedition Co.
  8. BoTree Technologies
  9. Radixweb
  10. InData labs
  11. Bacancy Technology
  12. SoftKraft
  13. Netguru

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Detailed Offshore AI Development Company Profiles

Below, we delve into detailed profiles of some prominent offshore AI development companies, shedding light on their services, unique selling propositions, and how they can add value to your business.

Waverley Software

Waverley Software
  • Location: They have offices in the US (Palo Alto, CA), Mexico (Guadalajara), Bolivia (Cochabamba), Romania (Cluj Napoca), Poland (Poznań), Ukraine (Kharkiv and Lviv), and Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City).
  • Number of employees: Over 400 people.
  • URL:

Established in 1992, Waverley Software has a renowned history in offering exceptional AI and software engineering services. They boast a multinational team of experts who have a deep understanding of AI, machine learning, and data science. They not only provide services in AI but also offer robust software solutions. Waverley Software’s core strength lies in its tailor-made solutions designed to drive digital transformation across various industries. Their dedicated teams are spread across Ukraine, Bolivia, and Vietnam, offering a truly global perspective and expertise.



BairesDev is an Argentina-based technology services company specializing in AI and software development. They have a broad talent pool of seasoned software engineers who consistently deliver high-quality services. BairesDev is committed to technological innovation and, more importantly, achieving absolute customer satisfaction. They offer full-cycle custom software development designed to help businesses keep pace with the latest technological advancements. BairesDev’s unique approach to AI development ensures that each solution effectively aligns with clients’ business goals.

Digital Scientists

Based in the United States, Digital Scientists are known for their strategic and innovative approach to AI development. They work with businesses of all sizes and sectors, delivering solutions that enhance efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Digital Scientists’ team of data scientists, designers, and developers use a collaborative approach to innovate and create. Their cutting-edge solutions range from mobile apps and websites to AI-powered platforms and tools.

LaunchPad Lab

LaunchPad Lab
  • Location: They are based in Chicago, specifically at 2045 W Grand Ave Ste B, PMB 37406, Chicago, Illinois 60612.
  • URL:

LaunchPad Lab is a digital innovation firm based in Chicago. The company offers a blend of design, strategy, and technology to help clients unlock their full growth potential. LaunchPad Lab is reputed for its ability to leverage AI and transform complex business challenges into streamlined, automated processes. Their team of expert developers, designers, and strategists ensure that the AI solutions delivered not only meet but exceed client expectations.


  • Location: They are based in New York, specifically at 135 W 26th St, 9A, New York, NY 10001.
  • URL:

New York-based Perpetual is an industry pioneer offering AI solutions that perfectly merge creativity with technology. Their expertise lies in developing intelligent automation tools that help businesses optimize their operations and drive exponential growth. At Perpetual, the focus isn’t just on creating AI solutions, but also on developing strategies that maximize the effective use of these AI tools. This dedication to overall business improvement sets them apart in the AI development landscape.

Emergent Software

Emergent Software

Emergent Software is a leading provider of comprehensive software and AI solutions. The Minnesota-based company stands out with its commitment to developing solutions that align perfectly with the business objectives of its clients. Emergent Software specializes in using AI to solve complex business problems, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and enabling smarter decision-making processes.

Expedition Co.

Expedition Co.
  • Location: The website does not provide specific information about their location. However, the coordinates given (34.0522° N, 118.2437° W) point to Los Angeles, California.
  • URL:

Expedition Co., based in California, offers full-service software and mobile app development with a particular focus on AI solutions. The company’s unique strength lies in its strategic approach, ensuring that each AI solution is custom-tailored to meet the client’s business goals. Their team of strategists, designers, and developers work collaboratively to deliver top-tier digital products and experiences.

Bacancy Technology

Bacancy Technology
  • Location: Their headquarters is in Gujarat, India.
  • Charge per hour: Less than $25/hr
  • Number of employees: Between 250-1200
  • URL: Bacancy Technology

Globally recognized for its IT consultancy services, Bacancy Technology excels in AI development. With offices in the USA, Canada, UAE, and India, they boast a diverse and skilled team of developers proficient in machine learning and deep learning. Bacancy Technology is committed to helping businesses unlock new opportunities and gain a competitive edge by offering innovative, scalable, and cost-effective AI solutions. Their wide range of services includes chatbot development, natural language processing, and predictive analytics, among others.



SoftKraft is a custom software development company with a strong emphasis on AI and machine learning solutions. Based in Poland, their team of experienced engineers and designers are committed to delivering solutions that transform business operations and enhance customer experiences. They offer a range of services, such as natural language processing, computer vision, and recommendation systems, ensuring businesses benefit from tailored solutions that cater to their specific needs. SoftKraft’s combination of cutting-edge technology and a client-centric approach has earned them a strong reputation in the industry.


  • Location: Poznań, Poland
  • Charge per hour: $50 – $99/hr
  • Number of employees: Between 701-900
  • URL: Netguru

Headquartered in Poland, Netguru is a renowned full-stack software development company that offers world-class AI solutions. They have been delivering top-quality AI services to clients across the globe since 2008. Netguru boasts an experienced team of skilled engineers, designers, and project managers who work closely with clients to ensure that the solutions provided match their unique business requirements. They offer services such as chatbot development, machine learning, and natural language processing, all while adhering to industry best practices.

BoTree Technologies

BoTree Technologies

BoTree Technologies is a rapidly growing software development company specializing in AI and machine learning solutions. With headquarters in India and branches in the USA and Singapore, BoTree Technologies has a global presence. They have an expert team that works diligently to provide tailor-made AI solutions for businesses across various industries. Their services include natural language processing, predictive analytics, and robotic process automation, making them a one-stop shop for all AI development needs.


  • Location: Frisco, TX, USA
  • No. of Employees: 250-1000
  • Charge Per Hour: $25-$50
  • URL:

Radixweb is a global IT outsourcing company with over 20 years of experience in the field. With headquarters in India and a presence in the USA, they specialize in offering custom AI solutions to clients across the globe. Their team of certified developers and AI experts work together to create innovative solutions that improve efficiency, reduce costs, and streamline business processes. Radixweb’s expertise in AI spans various domains, including natural language processing, machine learning, and computer vision.

InData Labs

  • Location: Nicosia, Cyprus
  • No. of Employees: 50-250
  • Charge Per Hour: $50 – $99 / hr
  • URL:

InData Labs, based in Belarus, is a leading data science and AI development company. Their team of experienced data scientists, engineers, and consultants focuses on delivering exceptional AI-powered solutions that drive growth and profitability. They offer services such as big data analytics, machine learning, computer vision, and deep learning to clients across a wide range of industries. InData Labs’ commitment to excellence and innovation has earned them a reputation as a top AI development company.

Benefits of Hiring Offshore AI Development Company

  1. Offshore AI development companies offer access to a global talent pool, providing top-tier expertise and specialized skills in AI.
  2. By outsourcing to regions with lower labor costs, businesses can achieve significant savings on development expenses.
  3. AI Outsourcing allows businesses to delegate AI development tasks and focus more on their core competencies.
  4. Thanks to time-zone differences, offshore AI developers can offer round-the-clock services, accelerating the development process.
  5. Offshore AI development companies can quickly ramp up or scale down the team size based on the project requirements, providing businesses with flexibility.
  6. These companies often follow robust processes and methodologies that help mitigate project risks and ensure the delivery of high-quality solutions.
  7. Offshore developers stay up-to-date with the latest AI technologies, tools, and trends, ensuring that businesses benefit from cutting-edge solutions.
  8. With their expertise and round-the-clock operations, offshore AI developers can help businesses shorten their product’s time-to-market.
  9. Reliable offshore AI development companies adhere to stringent data security standards to protect the client’s sensitive information.
  10. These companies often bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions, fostering creativity and enhancing the project outcome.

How To Choose The Right Offshore AI Development Company for Your Needs?

Step 1: Identify Your AI Development Needs

Before you start searching for an offshore AI development company, it’s crucial to clearly understand and define your AI needs. Consider what specific AI services you require, whether it’s machine learning, natural language processing, or predictive analytics, among others. Understand your project scope and its unique requirements.

Step 2: Research Potential Companies

Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, start researching potential offshore AI development companies. Look at their websites, check their service offerings, and read through their case studies and testimonials. Try to gauge their domain expertise, technological capabilities, and the breadth of their AI services.

Step 3: Evaluate Their Technical Expertise and Experience

Assess the technical expertise and experience of the companies. Look at their past projects and the technologies they have used. Find out if they have experience working on projects similar to yours. Evaluate their understanding of AI trends and their ability to implement them in their projects.

Step 4: Check Their Communication Practices

Effective communication is critical for the success of an offshore project. Ensure that the company you choose has clear communication practices in place. They should be able to communicate effectively in your language and be responsive to your queries.

Step 5: Assess Their Data Security Measures

With the rise in data breaches, it’s essential to ensure that the company you choose follows stringent data security practices. They should have strict measures in place to protect your sensitive data and intellectual property.

Step 6: Consider the Pricing Structure

While cost should not be the only determining factor, it’s essential to understand the pricing structure of the companies. Consider if their pricing aligns with your budget. Also, check if they provide a transparent pricing model without any hidden charges.

Step 7: Gauge Their Flexibility and Scalability

The company you choose should be flexible enough to adapt to your changing needs. They should be able to scale up or down their services based on your project requirements.

Step 8: Ask for Client References

Finally, ask for client references to get a firsthand account of what it’s like to work with the companies. You can gain valuable insights into their reliability, technical expertise, and customer service from these references.

By following these steps, you can choose the right offshore AI development company that aligns with your business needs, expectations, and budget.

Final Words

The top 15 offshore AI development companies bring immense value to businesses across the globe, offering cost-effective solutions, access to global talent, and specialized AI expertise. These companies, including Waverley Software, BairesDev, Digital Scientists, LaunchPad Lab, Perpetual, Emergent Software, Expedition Co, Bacancy Technology, SoftKraft, Netguru, BoTree Technologies, Radixweb, InData Labs, and Datamation, have set high standards in the AI development landscape. Each company holds a unique approach and a specific set of services, ensuring that businesses across various industries can find a reliable partner that meets their unique needs. This diverse list of top-tier offshore AI development companies reinforces the growing importance of AI and underscores how offshore partnerships can significantly drive business growth and technological innovation.

Alex Rode

Alex Rode

I am founder of Just Create App. I have extensive experience in writing about apps, softwares, IT companies. Done Master of Science in Computer Science from Yale University, I am a passionate tech enthusiast and dedicated writer. I delve into a diverse range of topics, from AI and software to app development, and keep a keen eye on tech firms and emerging trends. My expertise enables me to break down complex topics and present them in an engaging, accessible manner, making me a trusted source for insightful analysis in the realm of technology.

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