New Features And Updates Packed In Angular 14

New Features And Updates Packed In Angular 14

Angular is one of the most brilliant creations of Google for front-end development. With its initial release, this framework immediately became popular among developers. Angular best practices are widely used to build client-side web apps and single-page apps. This framework comes with so many powerful and interactive features that can help you build complex software applications. That’s why the term enterprise has been associated with it from its early days. 

Today also, if you pick Angular for your project, you can witness its excellent ability to create fully customized applications with ease. Many top brands and large enterprises are already implementing Angular best practices to develop more robust and compatible UI software applications to strengthen their online presence.  And now, this year on 2nd June 2022, the latest version of this framework was released named Angular 14. And we are here to see what new features this Angular new version has to offer. So without any further ado, let’s get started. 

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What’s New in Angular 14?

Standalone Components

With the new sandbox component feature in Angular 14, you can create your components without using ng-module. The sandbox component is a simple way to test new ideas without worrying about breaking old code or changing your application’s architecture. 

A standalone component has no dependency on other components and can be used independently of angular. Previously, you could only use the @Component decorator to create standalone pieces. Now you can also use an AMD module syntax for standalone components. 

You can write your component as a separate file, then import it into your app. The component’s class will be available as a NgModule and can be used in other modules.

Component Composition

Angular 14 has introduced a new way for components to be composed together – the pipe. This new feature allows you to chain together different pieces of functionality from different modules and then inject them into your app at runtime. We think this is a great way for developers to build more maintainable apps that are easier to understand and organize.

Strictly Typed Forms

Another new feature in Angular 14 is strictly typed forms. It means that the form element will be bound to the model in a way that allows us to use any validators as we see fit without having to write them ourselves. This is great because it means we can have a single input field or even an entire form that has a single validator attached to it.

So let’s say we have some fields with dates on them and we want to make sure they are all in a particular format – i.e., they all have at least 4 digits after the decimal point. We could do this by writing our custom validator but now there is an easier way!

This feature is meant to help you write your forms in a more performant way by not having to worry about type-checking.

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FormBuilder API

With this feature, your forms will be able to take advantage of the FormBuilder API. This will allow you to create reusable components that can be used within your templates and even on other pages.

Angular CLI Auto-Completion

Angular CLI is a command-line interface (CLI) that helps you build and manage applications with AngularJS

The new auto-completion feature in angular-cli 0.11 improves your productivity by providing completion for most commands in a very short time. You can see the list of available options for each command in the completion list, as shown below:

To use this feature, type <Ctrl+Space> anywhere on your terminal to get started. Then press the <Enter> key to complete the command name or keyword.

Improved Template Diagnostics

Angular 14 includes improved template diagnostics to help you debug your templates. You can use the built-in @templateIf and @templateSwitch directives to detect invalid templates, check for errors in your layouts, and catch mistakes when building components. The new Angular compiler now detects invalid template syntax. If you have an invalid template, it will be detected by the compiler and reported as a compile error in the console.

To use this feature, simply add @templateIf and @templateSwitch to any component class:

@component(‘myComponent’) class MyComponent { constructor() { } } @templateIf(/^\s*no-directive:\/\/(\w+)$/, ‘this is not a directive!’) export class MyProduct { } @templateIf(/^\s*$/) export class Product {}

The compiler now also checks that the correct syntax is used for import statements (for example, import ‘foo’ instead of import Foo ).

Template Error Scopes

If you encounter errors when using the NgModule decorator, you can now see which NgModule is causing an error. This will help you troubleshoot issues related to your application code or specific imports.

Streamlined Page Title Accessibility

Angular 14 is the first version of the framework to include a feature that allows you to use a “page title” in your application. This is, essentially, a text label that appears on every page of your app. The page title can be anything you want it to be, but it must be more than just a description of what’s on the current page. It needs to be descriptive and informative of what you’re doing at any given time throughout your application’s life cycle.

The easiest way to create the page title is through the ng-view directive. To add this directive, use the following syntax:


The name of your newTitle variable will determine what name it will have within your application (which can be different from any other variable). For example:


Extended Developer Diagnostics

For the first time, Angular can provide a complete stack trace from the beginning of application bootstrapping until the end of application shutdown. This allows developers to see exactly what has happened at each point in their code, including errors and exceptions. The full stack trace also includes information about how long it took for each line of code to execute and whether any lazy components were activated (for example, NgIf or NgFor).

In addition to providing a detailed stack trace, Angular 14 also provides an overview of all errors encountered during runtime. Developers can drill down into individual components to find out where the error occurred, as well as which lines of code caused it. This makes debugging easier than ever before!

Latest Primitives in the Angular CDK

Angular 6 introduced native component support for using Custom Elements in your applications. The Angular CDK is now available as an npm package so that you can use these components without having to build them yourself by using TypeScript or JavaScript ES6 classes.

You can now import both @angular/core and @angular/compiler from the command line without having to install anything else, which makes it easier to start building applications quickly without having to worry about dependencies (like Webpack or Babel).

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With the new powerful features in Angular 14, developers can simplify the most complicated tasks of software development. So, it’s safe to say that if you opt for this framework for your development project then it is bound to boost efficiency. 

The introduction of support for the latest Typescript and standalone components increases the chances of developing better angular apps. I think these are the signs to tell that if you are thinking about migrating your business software application to Angular then it’s the right time to do it! 

Alex Rode

Alex Rode

I am founder of Just Create App. I have extensive experience in writing about apps, softwares, IT companies. Done Master of Science in Computer Science from Yale University, I am a passionate tech enthusiast and dedicated writer. I delve into a diverse range of topics, from AI and software to app development, and keep a keen eye on tech firms and emerging trends. My expertise enables me to break down complex topics and present them in an engaging, accessible manner, making me a trusted source for insightful analysis in the realm of technology.

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