Blockchain Messaging App: Top 10 & How To Create

Blockchain Messaging App

Due to the growing awareness of privacy rights violations by several prominent social media sites worldwide, the need for tangible, decentralized alternatives has continued to develop significantly over the last few years.

To put things into perspective, the US Federal Trade Commission ordered Facebook to pay a mind-boggling $5 billion fine in 2019 for inappropriately obtaining private data from up to 87 million of its users. After a year, Facebook had to pay another $550 million to settle a privacy complaint alleging that the company improperly accumulated client data (including their biometric and personal details) without their explicit permission.

Decentralized social media services, such as WhatsApp, have emerged as a response to these infractions because they offer a high level of user data security.

Now, most present decryption methods are theoretically ineffective against quantum computers. Thus, it would theoretically protect a user’s communications from decryption.

You must read about Shardeum Node which is the key to achieving decentralization and security in blockchain.

Introduction to Decentralized Messaging Apps

Recently, users have had anxiety regarding their right to free expression and data ownership. With the help of decentralized messaging apps, a solution seems to be on its way — platforms where no single entity can control thoughts or censor participants.

Security in Blockchain chat app
Security in Blockchain chat app

According to independent blockchain analyst and social media influencer Scott Cunningham, a decentralized messaging platform’s fundamental premise is to give consumers end-to-end encrypted solutions that secure consumer anonymity and privacy. Also, a recent negative experience with Facebook’s Messenger works as evidence to support his claim.

The note I sent to myself [to be read later by myself] was removed by Facebook because it violated the service’s community standards. Now, people know that everything they say is being monitored and assessed in real-time.’

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The Disadvantages of Blockchain-Based Messaging Apps

Decentralized messengers have the potential to protect user privacy, but blockchain technology itself may be a deterrent to widespread implementation. Let’s look at some disadvantages of blockchain messaging apps.

  • Decentralized messengers require real-time relay and storage capabilities because recipients are unlikely to be online when receiving a text message.
  • When it comes to network updates, the usage of blockchain technology presents additional challenges. According to Goldenberg, a product may not be able to withstand changes to blockchain systems that are rarely backward compatible.
  • High transaction fees hinder decentralized social networks.
  • To create a social networking platform with transaction fees, with the volume of messages individuals exchange on social networking sites, I am not sure that it would ever be practical.
  • A private messaging feature is something that Subsocial is actively working on, but the hurdles are so significant that it’s a bit of a pipedream. Some users are sending thousands of messages every day, and he said that he was working on a solution to limit the number of free transactions.
  • The expense of storing messages on a blockchain would be a significant obstacle. Anyone with access to the system could read them even if they made it onto a network makes them insecure.
  • A fully working, practical blockchain messenger is a challenging problem to solve, citing existing services like Etherscan’s messaging service. To ensure scalability, even the official Ethereum messaging app, Status, has some centralization:
  • “Signal, which offers excellent encryption, would be the ideal platform for use as a messaging network. “Also, messaging performance is a significant problem or something most users don’t desire.”
  • Adoption is also a huge issue, as most decentralized applications now on the market cannot compete with the likes of Telegram, WhatsApp, and WeChat in this arena.
  • New platforms require large migration, which is practically impossible, and new platforms need a viral accelerator for adoption. It takes effort, marketing, and willingness from your contacts to utilize a chat app to be helpful.

Related: The Role of Blockchain in Healthcare Industry.

Scope of Building Blockchain Messaging Apps

The end-to-end encryption used by popular privacy-focused apps like Signal and Telegram is only as safe as its coding, despite the claims of Signal and Telegram that they take great care to protect their users’ privacy.

Blockchain Messaging App
Blockchain Messaging App Queries

It will be intriguing to see if blockchain developers can develop messaging systems that are as useful and operationally flexible as their centralized counterparts while also addressing the issue of high transaction costs over the long term.

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Thanks to the advent of blockchain technology, the world now has a safer and more efficient way to do business. For a long time, firms desiring to maintain the secrecy of their inner workings have prioritized privacy, data security, and ease of implementation. The private sector and the corporate world have similar issues.

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Top 10 Blockchain Messaging Apps To Look At In 2024

Telegram and Whatsapp, two of the most popular encrypted messaging apps, were born out of this demand for secure instant communication. Another revolution in how we communicate appears to be on the horizon. The use of blockchain-based messaging apps is growing. Now, several new platforms are entering the market. Look at the most promising blockchain-based messaging platforms currently available.

1. Secterum

Secretum is a revolutionary decentralized, encrypted, and secure messaging service based on the Solana blockchain. It also allows users to exchange crypto assets as easy as sending an SMS, thanks to its cutting-edge architecture. The qualities and benefits of Secretum are unrivaled:

  • In contrast to cloud-based messaging services like WhatsApp, all user messages are securely encrypted and stored on authenticated, independent nodes in the Secretum network, ensuring that hackers cannot access them.
  • The most secure and anonymous sign-up process, which requires only a s crypto wallet address — ensures that all users have complete and uncompromised anonymity.
  • There is no single point of failure or data storage, avoiding large-scale hacks or leaks like the ones that have damaged Telegram, Facebook, and WhatsApp.
  • Users who message and contribute additional nodes to expand the Secretum network are rewarded with staking and the native SER coin.
  • To send and receive cryptocurrencies and Non-Fungible Tokens, a simple, intuitive, and entirely P2P trading interface is available (NFTs).
  • Solana’s potential of 700,000 transactions per second with an average cost per transaction of around $0.00025 allows for record low costs and almost immediate exchanges.

2. Cryptviser

Decentralized Cryptviser eliminates the threat of man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. A majority of messengers keep your personal information in a single database. Those in control of the information can simply censor, obstruct, or take control of these systems. Removed from the equation are central servers and user information, which Cryptvisor eliminates.

This company’s chief commercial officer (CCO), Mark Babbitt, told App Developer Magazine in an interview that its goal is to provide the same level of protection for everyday consumers as it does for enterprises and governments worldwide. On to the Internet of Things (IoT), he went on to say, and how it will only exacerbate the demand for privacy.

3. Dust

One of the first blockchain-based messaging platforms to hit the market was Dust. On March 1, 2014, a Los Angeles-based encryption app launched. Having Mark Cuban as a significant backer of the platform led to much media attention.

Dust comes with a few unique characteristics for its customers. Sender and recipient phones automatically delete messages after 24 hours, referred to as “dusting” by some. After receiving their confirmation message, you can also choose to delete their messages from your inbox.

4. Echo

The Echo messenger uses the Graphene Blockchain to keep your conversations private and secure.

Sending multimedia messages with live encryption of all audio and video streams is possible with this service. Users can transmit crypto payments directly from the app thanks to the platform’s decentralized nature and built-in ability.

According to the company’s CEO, Christoph Hering, Echo uses an IPFS protocol called Interplanetary File System (IPFS) to speed up messaging. Rather than using the standard HTTP protocol, IPFS uses a content-addressed approach. It is customary for blockchain-based messaging apps to require that the recipient and sender have direct access to the blockchain, which can be resource-intensive. The IPFS client of Echo eliminates this requirement.

5. E-Chat

It is possible to use IPFS technology and a peer-to-peer messaging service with the e-Chat software. No central data storage is provided, unlike other typical messaging networks. As a result of this decentralization, MITM attacks are eliminated. In addition, the site allows consumers to reward content creators with monetary compensation. Users can create subscription channels called Crypto, like in the platform’s content producer section.

You can make contactless NFC and QR payments right on the e-chat platform. You can send money or cryptocurrency via private messages with this. A built-in cryptocurrency conversion tool is included in the platform, which allows users to swap digital currency right from the wallet app on their phone. You can use a fingerprint scanner, face recognition, or your wallet’s private keys to access your personal information.

6. Telegram

More than $1.7 billion was raised through an ICO by Telegram, the widely used messaging service (ICO). Telegram has been offering encrypted chat services for some time now, but now the firm plans to go all-in on crypto-friendly integrations. Passport, new software for verifying identity, was the first of these interfaces to go live this month.

Personal and confidential papers can be stored on Telegram’s secure blockchain network using Passport. The company uses end-to-end encryption, and the corporation claims that it does not have access to your data.

7. Status

Ethereum’s well-developed blockchain helps Status keep its clients’ private information safe from snoops. Every message that passes through the system is protected by end-to-end encryption. The platform’s built-in browser also allows you to explore various decentralized programs (Dapps).

In addition to the decentralized job market, exchange, prediction system, and digital ID service available to Status users, they also have access to several other unique features. Artists may use the Ethereum blockchain for advertising and distributing their work safely.

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Statistics of Usage of Messaging Apps

In today’s world, online communication is the new normal. WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, and other messaging apps have become a vital part of our daily lives.

  • According to Microfocus, there are over 100 million messages transmitted per minute around the globe. It’s no surprise that the messaging app market is booming.
  • In 2021, an estimate of 3.09 billion mobile phone users accessed over-the-top messaging apps to communicate. This figure is projected to grow to 3.51 billion users in 2025. 

Market Size And Opportunities of Messaging Services

Nearly 41 million text messages are exchanged in the blink of an eye. Messaging apps account for more than 80% of smartphone usage, making them the most popular sort of software. Because people use chat apps for both personal and professional reasons to keep in touch, the market is ripe for growth.

There is no better time to emphasize the significance of reliable, secure, and high-quality online messaging services than during the present coronavirus epidemic.

An in-depth look at the technical and financial aspects of establishing a unique messenger is provided in this article. So, please read the complete article.

We will The features you’ll need to include in your blockchain-decentralized messaging app to make it marketable.

Today, it is essential to include all of the necessary features to make the system work and to incorporate some new ideas to make the app appealing to the target audience.

The objective is to create messaging software with a unique experience and intriguing features as its key features and selling elements. The next stage is to scale up this MVP chat software based on the feedback from actual users.

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To make communications more accessible in 2021, let’s look at some of the essential characteristics that should be there in blockchain messaging apps.

1. Permission

Users of apps should be able to set up their profiles. It’s a good idea to leverage social media to make it easier for users to sign up (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).

It’s up to you whether or not to incorporate email or phone number authentication. Also, SMS confirmation can help to establish a secure connection with the device.

2. Timely Access To Contacts

Your messaging software should be able to seamlessly access and import current user contacts for a better user experience. An important strategic step is letting consumers know which of their connections already use this messenger and giving them a choice to welcome those who have yet to join.

It’s also a good idea for users to be able to invite others to join the messenger simply.

4. Additional Chat Options

It is difficult to compete with WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger in a market that has much crowd. If you’re launching a new messaging app, it should have a limited set of features so that one can test it. During the final deployment and upgrade, think about advanced choices that will be of value. Your product’s success on the market can enhance by integrating the most popular social media networks and creating a more tailored user experience.

5. File Message Transfer

Nowadays, people need to be able to share data, files, images, and other media with each other. Make sure that your messaging app can handle attachments from various apps.

There is a variety of APIs available for implementing this feature. Remember to include a feature for sending files from the device and taking pictures or videos directly from the app in your design.

6. Distributing Real-Time Location

A user can share location with others through a variety of apps (parking spots, workplaces, restaurants, etc).

Using this functionality on Telegram messenger delivers a great user experience. Users may even design their journeys from one location to another using the app.

7. Push Notifications.

It is a crucial part of the development of any messaging software. Hence, developers implement this functionality using Google Cloud Messaging and Apple Push Notifications.

8. Storage and Backup

Your application must meet the demands of the user to keep them engaged. Many people prefer the concept of personalizing their apps by changing their app interfaces, themes, and colors. When putting together the app’s features, keep this in mind.

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Top Secure Messaging Apps in 2024

While digital technology makes our lives more convenient, it also raises concerns about our safety. As long as the platform isn’t protected by advanced security measures, sharing messages, photos, and information can be dangerous. End-to-end encryption built on blockchain technology is now available in secure messaging apps. However, you should first examine whether or not creating a secure app can help you achieve your company goals.

Whatsapp and Telegram are the most secure messaging applications, and they protect your personal information. For this reason, we’ve put together a list of the best-encrypted messaging apps on the market.

Why not learn more about the process of creating these applications?

How to Build Your Own Blockchain Messaging Apps?

To build your own decentralized chat app there are certain steps you should follow. they are:

  1. Choose the dependency on Platform

    A cross-platform or native messaging app may be appropriate for your product’s aims and capabilities. The critical difference is whether or not the app is available across several platforms simultaneously or separately for each operating system.
    There are advantages and disadvantages to both solutions. A greater level of system performance, stability, and security is ensured by native app development, but this comes at a higher cost.

  2. Language to Use

    PHP, Ruby, Erlang, and other server-side programming languages are all viable options for server-side software. When it comes to software development, your provider should be able to tell you what is best for your situation.
    The LAMP product architecture is also one of the most frequent. The operating system is Linux, the webserver is Apache, the database is MySQL, and the backend language is PHP.
    You can also utilize PostgreSQL, Nginx, Node.js, Ruby, or JavaScript for backend development.

  3. Different services and libraries integration

    Data storage services provided by
    Connecting to the server via, a library for real-time communication between a browser and server.
    Integration of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
    Flurry, Google Analytics, Firebase, MixPanel, etc., are some of the analytical tools available.
    Google Maps, Google Places – Maps & Navigation.
    Turnio offers SMS services.
    From MailChimp and Elastic emails: Email Marketing.
    Braintree, Stripe, PayPal, etc., are all examples of payment gateways.

  4. Using open-source technologies

    Using open-source technologies rather than proprietary ones is the general strategy. Instead, it is possible to use established libraries and frameworks that have already demonstrated their worth.

  5. Developing the best User Experience

    When choosing a tech stack for your messaging app, prioritize your users’ experience and the chat app’s speed, performance, and security.

Cost to Create Blockchain-Based Decentralized Message App

The cost of developing of decentralized chat app depends on the type of application, the complexity, the platform, the cost per hour of the team, and the features of the app. However, it costs between $18000 to $60,000 to create a blockchain chat app.

Challenges in Developing a Decentralized Messaging App

Before beginning the development of your messaging app, think about the following issues that may arise along the route. This guide will show you how to avoid common errors and safeguard your messaging app from potential dangers and problems in the future.

1. Defining Real-Time Feature Definitions

To be honest, it’s going to be challenging to compete with the titans in the messaging app sector. In contrast, we have customers who desire additional features, stability, and usefulness on the other hand. The messaging app needs to be much more than a chat app if it wants to be a competition.

To ensure a happy customer base after a successful launch of your MVP, consider these features:

  • Fonts and stickers are available as per your specifications.
  • muting the chat
  • Updates on your privacy status
  • Calls can be either video or audio.
  • Transfer of data

2. Issues Related To Security

App security and protection are at the top of the to-do list for messaging app developers. The security of individual data, the encryption of messages, and the development of a secure project architecture are necessities.

  • Protect yourself to the fullest extent possible, i.e.
  • Through protocols, end-to-end security (e.g. XMPP)
  • use of digital signatures
  • the product’s architecture should be designed to keep data safe
  • Ensure that your chat app includes a privacy policy.
  • create additional messenger security functionality that the user can enable

3. Tools Stack

The first step in getting your software to work is making sure it is appropriately packed and built. The easiest way to figure out what tech stack to use for your project is to look at similar ones.

4. Overloaded Server

This problem may occur when the number of people using apps increases. WhatsApp’s optimization necessitates a significant investment in time and resources on the part of skilled programmers.

To quickly assure app scalability, select the server configuration and capacity and appropriate hardware. During periods of high demand, make sure servers are configured to offer stable service.

It is highly recommended to create a list of potential server bottlenecks and an action plan to address them.

5. Error Free Updation of App

Messaging apps constantly process users’ messages and data. Ensure that existing data is not lost during the deployment of new features and app updates.

Real-time chat app scalability is a difficult task heavily reliant on the system’s underlying design.

6. Reliable Sync

Switching from mobile internet or Wi-Fi to a cellular data network might be caused by many factors. In a temporary interruption, the last message may be lost.

In other words, you should develop a message-sending app that portrays itself as a dependable tool that can reliably maintain a connection and restore any communications that have been lost due to an interruption.

How Long Does It Take to Develop a Blockchain Chat Application?

Blockchain Chat App
Blockchain Chat App

Your messaging app’s development duration depends on a variety of things. Few of them are here:

  • the total number of platforms for which you intend to release your work
  • an item’s level of feature and design complication
  • a large number of functions are present
  • characteristics of the chosen software development company (location, rates)
  • integration of third-party services in a variety of ways

Designing the user experience and interface (UX/UI), laying out the architecture, creating an iOS or Android app, writing code in the backend, and performing quality assurance tests are all part of any software development.

A minimum viable product (MVP) for a chat app typically takes 3-5 months to develop. Keep in mind that this usually only comprises the essential features of the program. Choosing a development vendor has a significant impact on your overall budget.

For one platform, the 3-5 months of development costs between $30,000 and $50,000. (iOS or Android). A team of 4-6 professionals, including iOS/Android developers, Backend developers, QA engineers, and Project Managers, are typically included in this price range.


Is a decentralized chat app more secure than a normal messaging app?

Yes, the decentralized app is more secure than a normal messaging app because the blockchain-based app has different nodes where they store data whereas in a normal messaging app there is a central server where all data is stored.

What is an exclusive feature of the blockchain messaging app?

An exclusive feature of the blockchain messaging app is its security intended encryption of messages.

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6 thoughts on “Blockchain Messaging App: Top 10 & How To Create

  1. […] Also Read: How to create Blockchain Messaging App? […]

  2. […] Also Read: Blockchain Messaging App: Top 10 & How To Create […]

  3. […] Also Read: Blockchain Messaging App: Top 10 & How To Create […]

  4. […] servers. Therefore third parties like Meta and Twitter can censor users. Decentralisation  is tricky for messaging services because they are particularly data intensive. Any new blockchain like […]

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